Today I mailed my RFE to New Delhi.
It has been very stressful living in Kathmandu to say the least. The constant noise, pollution, traffic, filth and overpopulation take a toll on my body and spirit. On top of it all, Pukar was diagnosed with rickets, after a misdiagnosis early on in my time here. But I am hopeful that my very thorough investigation efforts will be enough to show that he is indeed an orphan. The circumstances here surrounding abandonment are harrowing, and beyond what our Western minds can understand. A complex web of caste, religion, poverty and sexism come into play in a war torn country that seems to be hanging on be a thread.
This was written by someone who has been here in Nepal working closely with the local population and in fact, was the only Peace Corps Volunteer to stay in country during the Maoist insurgency. In his words: "In my more than seven years of work at the grass-roots level focusing upon human trafficking, prostitution, women’s rights, and youth issues I have never once come across even a hint of human trafficking relating to the orphanages and to adoptions. If the US Embassy has information in relation to this they have a responsibility to share that information with the numerous organizations and professionals in Nepal that work on human trafficking. The very fact that they have not shared any information is in fact a very telling statement to consider." Indeed, DOS has admitted after completing all our investigations that NO EVIDENCE of fraud was found.
Aside from the hard times, my beautiful boy is thriving. His bright smile and happy, sweet heart lights up every day. I am very blessed.
Meanwhile, the same day I mailed my RFE, my friends at home threw me a Benefit Concert! To see more click here: Let Your Love Shine Benefit Concert for Jenni & Pukar.